
High Blood Pressure Treatment in New Jersey

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a silent, symptomless condition that can result in serious health complications. The kidneys play a role in controlling blood pressuring, meaning a patient’s unusually high blood pressure could be caused by a kidney-related issue.

Possible causes of hypertension include:

  • Kidney disease
  • Genetics
  • Obesity
  • Sleep apnea
  • Alcohol and drug abuse

Diagnosing & Treating Hypertension

A simple blood pressure reading can tell you whether or not you have hypertension. In general, you want a reading to be around 120 over 80 mmHg. If a reading is higher than 140 over 90 mmHg, it is likely that you have high blood pressure.

You can buy home blood pressure kits to take the test yourself or you may receive a test at the doctor’s office. You may need to take the test a few times in order to get an accurate reading. The body needs to be in a relaxed state in order to obtain a person’s regular blood pressure levels.

If your blood pressure is high as a result of a kidney condition, you will need to treat the underlying cause of the issue in order to get it back to normal. Otherwise, living healthy, exercising regularly, and maintaining a low sodium diet will help you prevent and repair hypertension.