Donna F A Quick Recovery After Outpatient Knee Replacement Surgery

“My physical therapist says I’m ahead of schedule. I’m so glad I had the outpatient surgery.”

David L. Chalnick, MD
David Chalnick, MD

Donna Farina of Wall Township was delighted she qualified for outpatient surgery for her right knee replacement in August 2020. A few hours after her surgery, which was performed by orthopedic surgeon David Chalnick, MD, she found herself in physical therapy, performing tasks such as getting out of a chair and climbing into a bed.

“I was proud I was able to do everything,” she says. By late afternoon, she was back home.

After two weeks of at-home physical therapy, Donna went to a nearby facility, where she rode a stationary bike. After six weeks, she was making great strides and was back to walking without pain.

“My physical therapist says I’m ahead of schedule,” she says. “I’m so glad I had the outpatient surgery.”

To learn more about the Fast Track Joint Replacement Surgery Program at the Joint Replacement Center at Monmouth Medical Center, call (732) 923-7971.